Special Warfare Officer Designator 1180

The basic requirements for selection to the Special Warfare Officer Candidate indoctrination and training program for college graduates applies to both the Active and Reserve Component unless specifically stated otherwise.
This program leads to appointment on active duty as a Navy Ensign in designator 1180 (Training-SEAL), or as a Special Warfare Officer, designator 1135, for those who apply via the Reserve Component Direct Commissioning Program.
Commissioning Requirements for SEAL
An applicant a citizen of the United States.
For active duty, applicants must be at least 19 years old and not have passed their 42nd birthday at time of commissioning.
For the Reserve, applicants must be 25 years old and of such an age that they will not have passed their 42nd birthday at time of commissioning.
Civilian and Active Duty applicants must have a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution. Candidates may apply in the academic year preceding their graduation year. Applicants that are selected by the SEAL Officer Selection Panel will not receive a contract to Officer Candidate School (OCS) until they provide a copy of their baccalaureate degree to their recruiter.
Reserve Component applicants must have a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution.
Applicants must be physically qualified and aeronautically adapted in accordance with the physical standards established by the Manual of the Medical Department, Chapter 15 and as detailed in the latest Department of Defense Directive 6130.3, "Medical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, Or Induction in the Military Services." Candidates must meet the physical fitness weight and/or percentage of body fat standards at the time of application and at time of commissioning.
In addition, the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED M3B3) must review the applicant's Report of Medical Exam, DD Form 2808, and Report of Medical History, DD 2807. BUMED must indicate that the individual is physically qualified for "Special Operations and Diving" duty.
Physical Screening Test
Applicants must be able to pass a physical screening test (PST) in line with SEAL Physical Screening Testing Standards and Procedures, MILPERSMAN 1220-410.
Civilian and Active Duty Component (AC): Applicants that desire to become SEAL officers must be selected by the SEAL Officer Selection Panel and provide current contact information to the SEAL Officer Community Manager (OCM) office. AC applicants that do not hold the NECs O26A, O23A or O52A must attend SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS). If they are unable to attend due to operational commitments, applicants must conduct an interview with SOAS staff members. AC applicants previously disenrolled from Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL Training through a voluntary drop on request are not eligible to attend SOAS. All civilian applicants must attend SOAS to be considered by the selection panel, unless specifically approved for consideration by the NSW Program Manager, OPNAV N137. AC applicants must submit their SEAL officer application to Navy Recruiting Command (NRC) in line with OPNAVINST 1420.1B (Chapter 4).
Civilian applicants must submit their package to NRC via their officer recruiter. All applicants must also submit the following package components to the SEAL OCM office for consideration at the SEAL Officer Selection Panel:
- The SEAL Physical Screening Test results.
- A resume. There is no specific format for the resume. It should include at a minimum education, employment history, sports involvement, volunteer activities and qualifications.
- Official college transcript.
- No more than two letters of recommendation.
- Physical Qualification Letter.
- SOAS Medical Screening Form (provided by the OCM).
- DD Form 2807-2 Medical History Form.
- Officer Data Card. Template will be sent to applicants after the SEAL OCM receives all other package items.
Reserve Component (RC) Designator 1135 Direct Commission Officer applicants must be selected by the SEAL Officer Selection Panel and provide current contact information to the SEAL Officer Community Manager (OCM). Applicants must submit their package via Navy Recruiting Command and the SEAL OCM office to include the following documents:
- The SEAL Physical Screening Test results.
- A resume. There is no specific format for the resume. It should include at a minimum education, employment history, sports involvement, volunteer activities and qualifications.
- Official college transcript.
- Copy of all Active Duty and RC evaluations.
- Copy of performance summary report and enlisted service record.
- SEAL Team 17 or 18 Commanding Officer endorsement.
- Three Interviewer’s Appraisal Sheets, NAVCRUIT 1131/5, completed and filled out by SEAL officers at the rank of O-4 and above.
- No more than two letters of recommendation
- Officer Data Card. Template will be sent to applicants after the SEAL OCM receives all other package items.
NRC will forward all AC and RC SEAL officer applications to the SEAL OCM. Applicants will then be considered and selected by the SEAL Officer Selection Panel.
In exceptional cases where the applicant does not meet all of the qualifications, a waiver may be authorized.
Source of Applicants
For the Active Component:
- Civilians.
- Enlisted Personnel of the Active Navy or Navy Reserve.
- Enlisted Personnel of other armed services of the United States who have an approved inter-service transfer or conditional release.
For the Reserve Component: Enlisted Navy reservists (Selected Reserve (SELRES) or Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)) carrying NECs O26A or O23A. SELRES on extended or recall orders (mobilization, 1-3 year recall, or active duty for special work) may apply, but must complete their active-duty obligation under current orders before being commissioned.
Civilian and Active Duty Component selectees will attend Officer Candidate School (OCS) at Officer Training Command (OTC) in Newport, RI. Following commissioning, officers will be assigned to Naval Special Warfare Basic Training Command (NSWBTC). NSWBTC will assess the training requirements for former enlisted personnel holding NECs O26A or O23A. At a minimum, these officers will attend Naval Special Warfare Junior Officer Training Course (JOTC) as soon as course openings allow.
Reserve Component selectees must attend the direct commission officer course at Newport, Rhode Island, followed by the Naval Special Warfare Junior Officer Training Course in Coronado, California as soon as course openings allow.
Civilians and enlisted applicants in the paygrades of E-4 or below, who are selected for this program are designated an officer candidate and advanced to the paygrade of E-5 upon reporting to OTC. Enlisted applicants in the paygrades of E-5 and above are designated officer candidates in their present paygrades.
Upon commencing Officer Candidate School, Selectees will receive pay and benefits based on paygrade as outlined.
Active Duty Obligation
Active Duty Officers will incur a 4-year Active-Duty obligation from date of graduation from SEAL Qualification Training and redesignation as an 1130, SEAL officer. The balance of service, sufficient to complete 8 years of total obligated service, may be served in a Ready Reserve status.
Reserve Officers incur a 3-year SELRES obligation followed by a 5-year Individual Ready Reserve obligation for a total 8-year obligation. The obligation commences upon commissioning. Initial assignment will be with SEAL Team 17 or 18. Officers must maintain eligibility for mobilization and worldwide assignment.