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Navy Pay Regulation Act of 1860 Page-2

An Act to increase and regulate the Pay of the Navy of the United States.

Law as written, continued;

Surgeons.--Every surgeon on duty at sea, for the first five years after the date of his commission as surgeon, two thousand two hundred dollars.

For the second five years after the date of his commission as surgeon, two thousand four hundred dollars.

For the third five years after the date of his commission as surgeon, two thousand six hundred dollars.

For the fourth five years after the date of his commission as surgeon, two thousand eight hundred dollars.

For twenty years and upwards after the date of his commission as surgeon, three thousand dollars.

Fleet surgeons, three thousand three hundred dollars.

Every surgeon on other duty, for the first five years after the date of his commission as surgeon, two thousand dollars.

For the second five years after the date of his commission as surgeon, two thousand two hundred dollars.

For the third five years after the date of his commission as surgeon, two thousand four hundred dollars.

For the fourth five years after the date of his commission as surgeon, two thousand six hundred dollars.

For twenty years after the date of his commission as surgeon, two thousand eight hundred dollars.

Every surgeon on leave or waiting orders for the first five years after the date of his commission as surgeon, one thousand six hundred dollars.

For the second five years after the date of his commission as surgeon, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

For the third five years after the date of his commission as surgeon, one thousand nine hundred dollars.

For the fourth five years after the date of his commission as surgeon, two thousand one hundred dollars.

For twenty years and upwards after the date of his commission as surgeon, two thousand three hundred dollars.

Passed Assistant Surgeons.--Every passed assistant surgeon on duty at sea, one thousand five hundred dollars.

When on other duty, one thousand four hundred dollars.

When on leave or waiting orders, eleven hundred dollars.

Assistant Surgeons.--Every assistant surgeon on duty at sea, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

When on other duty, one thousand and fifty dollars.

When on leave or waiting orders, eight hundred dollars.

Pursers.--Every purser on duty at sea, for the first five years after the date of his commission, two thousand dollars.

For the second five years after the date of his commission, two thousand four hundred dollars.

For the third five years after the date of his commission, two thousand six hundred dollars.

For the fourth five years after the date of his commission, two thousand nine hundred dollars.

For twenty years and upwards after the date of his commission, three thousand one hundred dollars.

Every purser on other duty, for the first five years after the date of his commission, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

For the second five years after the date of his commission, two thousand one hundred dollars.

For the third five years after the date of his commission, two thousand four hundred dollars.

For the fourth five years after the date of his commission, two thousand six hundred dollars.

For twenty years and upwards after the date of his commission, two thousand eight hundred dollars.

Every purser on leave or waiting orders, for the first five years after the date of his commission, one thousand four hundred dollars.

For the second five years after the date of his commission, one thousand six hundred dollars.

For the third five years after the date of his commission, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

For the fourth five years after the date of his commission, two thousand dollars.

For twenty years and upwards after the date of his commission, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

Professors of Mathematics.--Every professor of mathematics on duty, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

When on leave or waiting orders, nine hundred and sixty dollars.

Engineers.--Every chief engineer on duty, for the first five years after the date of his commission, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

For the second five years after the date of his commission, two thousand two hundred dollars.

For the third five years after the date of his commission, two thousand four hundred and fifty dollars.

After fifteen years after the date of his commission, two thousand six hundred dollars.

Every chief engineer on leave or waiting orders for the first five years after the date of his commission, one thousand two hundred dollars.

For the second five years after the date of his commission, one thousand three hundred dollars.

For the third five years after the date of his commission, one thousand four hundred dollars.

After fifteen years after the date of his commission, one thousand five hundred dollars.

Every first assistant engineer on duty, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

While on leave or waiting orders, nine hundred dollars.

Every second assistant engineer on duty, one thousand dollars.

While on leave or waiting orders, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

Every third assistant engineer on duty, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

While on leave or waiting orders, six hundred dollars.

1860 Pay Page-1 | 1860 Pay Page-3

[1]United States Statutes at Large, Volume 12, pg. 23-27, Government Printing Office.

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