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Navy Publications and Instructions

Popular publications and instructions for the United States Navy

The Navy has basically two types of publications, regulatory and procedural. Publications exist that cover just about every type of situation you can imagine. Regulatory publications such as the Navy Uniform Regulations are applicable to all persons in the Navy and lay down broad, general rules that specify what must be done. Procedural publications such as the Standard Organization and Regulations Manual (SORM; OPNAV INST 3120.32) contains information pertaining to specific situations and the method of handling them (hazard drills, FITREP routing, etc), guidelines to be followed, and information necessary to perform the duties properly.

All publications are to be reviewed once a year. Reviews are completed to ensure the publication is up to date and that all required changes have been completed and annotated.

Verified links to be accurate as of February 5, 2025

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