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Navy Nuclear Power Test

Supplementary Test for the Nuclear Field (NF) Program

The Navy Advanced Programs Test (NAPT) is a two-hour, United States Navy, supplementary test for potential Nuclear Field (NF) Program applicants who do not qualify based solely on ASVAB line scores. You must meet at least one of the following line score combinations to qualify;

To qualify NFa, you must score:

NFa applicants must have one line score greater than or equal to 252. If either score is less than 235, an academic determination is required.

To qualify NFb, you must score:

then you must take the NAPT and achieve the following:

NFb applicants must have both line scores greater than or equal to 225. No waiver determination authorized.

Legend: VE = Verbal, AR = Arithmetic Reasoning, MK = Mathematics Knowledge, MC = Mechanical Comprehension, EI = Electronics Information, GS = General Science, NAPT = Navy Advanced Programs Test.

When the NAPT is required, you must score a minimum of 50 (Minimum of 50 if NAPT is a retest - See retest policy below) NAPT scores are valid for two years.

NAPT Test Administration

Only Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Test Control Officers(TCO)/Assistant TCOs, Classifiers, Recruiter-Classifiers, and Educational Service Specialists designated in writing by the NRD Commanding Officer to administer the NAPT are authorized to grade the NAPT.

Before commencing the test, The Test Administrator must check your SSN (make sure you have it with you!) and sign the answer sheet as witness that your name and SSN listed on the answer sheet have been verified. You must sign a statement on the reverse of the answer sheet.

The Test Administrator must be present in the testing room throughout the testing period. The Administrator must:

  1. Ensure you use only approved calculators (basic four-function, scientific, or graphing). Testing personnel are responsible for checking your calculator prior to commencing the examination. If you have a calculator with a raised or large (one inch or more) display you will sit in the test room where your calculator cannot be seen by others taking the exam. The following types of calculators are not authorized during the NAPT:
    • Pocket organizers/hand-held or laptop computers.
    • Electronic writing pads or pen-input devices.
    • Models with a QWERTY (typewriter) keypad.
    • Models with paper tapes.
    • Models that make noise.
    • Models that can transfer data or information.
    • Models that require a power cord.
    • Models that use magnetic media (disks, tapes, cards, etc.).
  2. You will not be able to leave the room during the test without and escort.
  3. You will be provided a blank dry erase board and marker, or a digital whiteboard prior to the exam.
  4. Before you can leave the room be it during or at the end of the test you must first turn in your test booklet and answer sheet.
  5. No cell phones of any kind are allowed in the testing room during the NAPT.

The Test Administrator shall examine trash material before securing the room upon test completion. Recruiting personnel will not divulge the correct answers to questions you answered incorrectly.

NAPT Retest Policy

A single retest may be authorized if your initial test score was 40 or higher. The minimum passing score for a NAPT retest is 50. A NF Type Waiver request for eligibility will be submitted if you qualify for the NF Program on the basis of the retest. A retest using an alternate version of the NAPT may be authorized by the Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Commanding Officer, no earlier than 90 days from the date of the initial test, provided you have evidence of additional academic achievement in mathematics or science since the initial test. Courses must be satisfactorily completed before a retest may be authorized - ask for further information from your Recruiter.

Certified transcripts from the school showing final course grade earned must be provided for high school, college, community college, or summer school courses completed by the applicant since the initial test.

If you seek a retest based upon completion of a course in which you were already enrolled at the time of the initial test, at least half of the course must have been completed after the initial test.

If less than half of the course was completed after the initial test, some other form of academic improvement (such as a correspondence course) must be completed.

Other forms of academic improvement must be supported with a certified report of course content, tests required, length of study, test grades, and source of accreditation (if any). Use of an approved Navy correspondence course is authorized.

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If you are seeking information about joining the Navy, feel free to contact me.

Navy Nuke Testing requirements are subject to change without notice. Data data published according to COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1130.8P published November 12, 2024. Check with your local Navy Recruiter for updates.

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