The SECF Program

Volunteers for the Submarine Electronics/Computer Field will specialize in one of three Submarine Ratings (Electronics Technician - NOS C900/C121/C126, Fire Control Technician - C130, Sonar Technician Submarines - C230) working in one of four areas: combat systems, communications, navigation or underwater acoustic technologies. All three ratings/four specialty areas are heavily involved with computer and electronics systems.

The combat systems specialty (Fire Control Technician, NOS C130) is responsible for maintenance and operation of advanced electronic equipment (in regards to guided-missile systems, underwater weapons) used in the submarine weapons systems. The communications specialty (Electronics Technician/RF, NOS C126) is responsible for all operational and administrative aspects of the submarine's radio communication equipment, systems and programs. The navigation specialty (Electronics Technician/NAV, NOS C121) is responsible for all operational and administrative aspects of the submarine's navigation and radar equipment, systems and programs. The acoustic technology specialty (Sonar Technician/Subs, NOS C230) is responsible for all operational and administrative aspects of the submarine's computer and control mechanisms used for underwater surveillance and scientific data collection.

The specialty area is determined at Basic Enlisted Submarine School. All rates have the opportunity to operate and maintain the submarine LAN systems. Active duty obligation is five years. Applicants will enlist for four years and concurrently execute an agreement to extend their enlistment for one year.

Submarine Electronics/Computer Field (SECF) job description

The Navy's Submarine Electronics/Computer Field (SECF) offers extensive training in the operation and maintenance of "Today's High Technology" advanced electronics equipment, digital systems and computers used in submarine combat control, sonar, navigation and communications systems.

An individual selecting SECF will receive training in electricity, electronics, computers, digital systems, fiber optics and electronics repair. The standards for selection for enlistment in the Navy's Submarine Electronics/Computer Field are high. Personnel interested in applying for the Submarine Electronics/Computer Field should be seriously interested in pursuing the challenge this highly technical field offers. They must be mature, ready to take on significant responsibility and willing to apply themselves.

Career Sea - Shore Rotation Chart

Rating's Sea (SEA) Shore (SH) Rotation (months)
ETV48 42 36 3636/36
ETR 5448 4236
FT54 42 36 36
STS4848 36 36

Sea tours and shore tours for Sailors that have completed four sea tours will be 36 months at sea followed by 36 ashore until retirement.

Qualifications, Interests, and Working Environment

Submarine Electronics/Computer Field technicians must be U.S. citizens eligible to meet security clearance requirements. Important qualifications include knowledge of arithmetic, capability to understand modern computing devices, the ability to speak and write well, function as a member of a team, do detailed work and keep accurate records. Additionally they must possess some physical strength and good manual dexterity.

Normal color perception is required.

Duties in this rating are usually performed aboard submarines. Submarine Electronics/Computer Field personnel usually work indoors in a clean, controlled environment with comfortable temperatures. However, some work is required in a clean or dirty environment of a shop-like nature. Their work may be independent in nature, but they usually work closely with others under direct supervision. SECF ASVAB Test requirement.

Personnel in the SECF rating are paid allowances (BAH, BAS, etc. if eligible) and billet pay (sea pay, submarine pay, etc. if eligible), and basic pay based on years of military service and paygrade.

Career Path After Recruit Training

Enlistee is taught the fundamentals of this rating through formal Navy schooling. Advanced technical and operational training is available in this rating during later stages of career development.

Basic Enlisted Submarine School
in Groton, CT for 4 weeks - Indoctrination in basic submarine systems.
Electronics Technician Class "A" Pipeline School
in Groton, CT for 9 weeks - Basic electricity,electronics and computer technical knowledge and skills required for this rating. Electronics Technician Specialty Pipeline School in Groton, CT or Kings Bay, GA or Bangor, WA for 14-28 weeks - preparation for communications or navigation specialties and assignment on a fast attack or ballistic missile submarine. ET(SS)s serve on submarines and shore stations in the United States and overseas. ET(SS)s who become careerists will attend further training at Class "C" Schools that provide advanced maintenance instruction on specific equipment they will be maintaining. During a 20-year period in the Navy, ET(SS)s will spend about 60 percent of their time assigned to fleet units and 40 percent to shore stations.
Fire Control Technician Submarine Class "A" Pipeline School
in Groton, CT for 27-33 weeks - electronics, mathematics and basic computer theory to support operation and basic maintenance of submarine weapon control systems. FTs serve on submarines and shore stations in the United States and overseas. FTs who become careerists will attend further training at Class "C" Schools that provide advanced maintenance, TLAM Strike and both computer and computer language skills including maintenance, operations and security of the systems they will be operating and maintaining. During a 20-year period in the Navy, FTs will spend about 60 percent of their time assigned to fleet units and 40 percent to shore stations.
Sonar Technician Submarines Class "A" Pipeline School
in Groton, CT for 37 weeks - basic electrical, electronics and computer technical knowledge and operator skills, sonar fundamentals. STSs are assigned to serve on submarines and shore stations in the United States and overseas. STSs who become careerists will attend further training at Class "C" Schools that provide advanced maintenance instruction on specific equipment they will be maintaining as well as Advanced Oceanography and Accoustic Intelligence Analysis. During a 20-year period in the Navy, STSs spend about 60 percent of their time assigned to fleet units and 40 percent to shore stations.

Credit Recommendation

The American Council on Education (ACE) guide recommends that semester hour credits be awarded in the vocational certificate or lower-division bachelor's/associates degree categories for courses taken in this rating on basic electricity and electronics, applied mathematics, circuit theory, systems maintenance, and communications.

The following are degree programs that relate directly to the SECF ratings: Oceanography Technology, Computer Science, Marine Systems Management, Computer and Information Science, and Applied Electronics.

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If you are seeking information about joining the Navy, feel free to contact me.