The LN Rating

The Legalman rating was first established in 1972.
The Navy's computerized personnel system associates the rating name with an alphanumeric Navy Navy Enlisted Manning Code (EMC). For LN, the EMC is B630.
Legalmen (LN) perform paralegal duties under the direction and supervision of Judge Advocates in providing and administering legal services, including matters concerned with military justice, administrative discharges, claims, admiralty law, and legal assistance. They record and transcribe proceedings of courts martial, courts of inquiry, investigations, and military commissions and prepare and submit necessary records and reports; prepare correspondence; conduct interviews; perform legal research of pertinent material for evaluation; and provide advice and assistance to personnel and command on matters of legal administration.
Non-prior service applicants are not eligible for direct enlistment into the Legalman rating (unless eligible via Direct Procurement Enlistment Program). To be eligible for application, one must have under 10 years of service, served a minimum of 24 months in their present rating, be within 12 months of their projected rotation date, and meet the minimum requirements listed below.
Legalman class "A" school is approximately 11 weeks in duration. The LN school is a part of the Naval Justice School located in Newport, Rhode Island. The Legalman rating requires a four year enlistment obligation.
Navy Legalman job description (B630)
As Law Office Clerks, Legalmen work under the supervision of attorneys and paralegals to prepare and process legal documents and papers, such as tax forms, legal assistance documents, summonses, subpoenas, complaints, appeals, motions, pleadings, and pretrial agreements. They serve as court reporters and provide clerical support for the conduct of administrative investigations. They mail, fax, or arrange for delivery of legal correspondence to clients, witnesses, and court officials. They receive and place telephone calls, schedule and make appointments, make photocopies of correspondence, documents, and other printed matter. They organize and maintain law libraries and document and case files, and assist attorneys in collecting information such as employment, medical, and other records. They also attend legal meetings, such as client interviews, hearings or depositions, take notes, draft and type office memos, review legal publications, and perform data base searches to identify laws and court decisions relevant to pending cases.
As Law Office Specialists, Legalmen work under the supervision of attorneys and paralegals to draft legal documents and papers, such as appeals, motions, pleadings, pretrial agreements, legal briefs, routine legal assistance documents, and legal correspondence. They provide routine assistance to Legal Assistance, Personal Representation and Defense clients. They prepare vouchers for payment of claims and witness fees. They conduct advanced legal research and compile statistics for submission of required reports. They provide routine advice to commanders on military justice and administrative measures. They respond to complaints and conduct client and witness interviews. They also serve as Law Office supervisors, providing training and supervision to junior personnel.
As Paralegals, Legalmen work under the direct supervision of an attorney, or independently, to investigate the facts of cases and ensure that all relevant information is considered. They identify appropriate laws, judicial decisions, legal articles, and other materials that are relevant to assigned cases. They analyze and organize the information and prepare written reports that attorneys use in determining how cases should be handled. They help prepare the legal arguments, draft pleadings and motions to be filed with the court, obtain affidavits, and assist attorneys during trials. They organize and track files of all-important case documents and make them available and easily accessible to attorneys. They draft contracts, mortgages, separation agreements, and trust instruments, and assist in preparing tax returns and planning estates. They also provide timely and accurate advice to commanders in an international environment and support operational law activities. Paralegals serve as Law Office managers, providing training and supervision to junior personnel and maintaining office budgets.
Career Sea - Shore Rotation Chart
Rating | SEA1 | SEA2 | SEA3 | SEA4 | SEA/SH |
LN | 36 | 36 | 36 | 36 | 36/48 |
SH1 | SH2 | SH3 | SH4 | SEA/SH | |
LN | 48 | 48 | 48 | 36 | 36/48 |
Sea tours and shore tours for Sailors that have completed four sea tours will be 36 months at sea followed by 36 ashore until retirement.
Qualifications, Interests, and Working Environment
People in this rating must be U.S. citizens eligible for security clearances. No civil involvement within past 24 months (except minor traffic). No drug or alcohol waivers above NAVCRUITDIST CO level. They should also be people oriented and enjoy working as part of a team assisting others and be able to clearly communicate ideas and information orally and in writing. Ability to keep accurate records, do detailed work and perform repetitive tasks is important. Resourcefulness, curiosity and a good memory are also useful.
Normal color perception is not required.
Having typing skills as a Legalman are mandatory. Must type minimum of 40 WPM when enlisted, and a typing test will be administered at time of enlistment. Legalmen are usually assigned duties in an office environment. People in this rating may work alone with little supervision, or work closely with others under close supervision depending on the assignment. Legalman's ASVAB Test requirement.
About 500 men and women work in the Navy's Legalman rating.
Personnel in the Legalman rating are paid allowances (BAH, BAS, etc. if eligible) and billet pay (sea pay, flight pay, submarine pay, etc. if eligible), and basic pay based on years of military service and paygrade.
Credit Recommendations
Upon successful completion of the basic course at the Naval Justice School, a Legalman receives 10 semester hours of American Bar Association-approved classes toward a degree in paralegal studies. The classes include: Ethics; Introduction to Law; Emerging Technology in the Law Office; and Legal Research and Writing.
Page written and maintained by NCCM Thomas Goering, USN (Retired).
If you are seeking information about joining the Navy, feel free to contact me.