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MEPS Medical Document Submission

Submittal Process and Time-lines

To schedule for processing at a local Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), all applicants, via their recruiter, must submit the following documents:

  1. "Request for Examination", USMEPCOM Form 680-3A
  2. "Authorization for Medical Release", USMEPCOM Form 680-3A-2
  3. "Accessions Medical Prescreen Report", DD Form 2807-2
  4. "Drug/Alcohol and HIV Testing Acknowledgement Form", USMEPCOM Form 40-8-1-E
  5. "Privacy Act Statement for Healthcare Records", DD Form 2005.
  6. "Parental/Guardian Consent for Enlistment", (if applicant is 17 years old), DD Form 1966/5

(Each branch of the military has its own separate liaison office that is co-located with the local MEPS.)


Beginning February 24, 2022, 12 Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) began to use MHS GENESIS (MHSG) with the remaining MEPS going online March 10, 2022.

MHS GENESIS provides authoritative health data which will be used for military medical qualification decisions. A MHSG records pull will be completed by MEPS for all applicants. If an applicant is not covered in the Health Information Exchange (HIE), the applicant may be asked to provide medical documentation for the disclosed medical conditions.

Medical Records Review

With the MHS GENESIS Health Information Exchange report, wait times for processing based on the number of pages of medical records should be reduced from the maximum of 30 business days to as little as 24 hours to no more than 10 business days (undisclosed conditions later found by MHSG HIE could slow the processing time -- be completely honest up-front!)

Until MHS GENESIS is fully online: A Complex Prescreen is defined as a DD Form 2807-2 with “YES” answers to questions other than number 9, Worn/wear contact lenses or glasses; 11, Color vision deficiency or color blindness; 20, Do you wear dental braces or plan to wear braces?; and 138, Been arrested or other encounters with law enforcement, as referenced in the USMEPCOM Regulation 40-1 (If there is a “YES” to question 138 that indicates a behavioral health issue requiring a prescreen review by a MEPS medical provider, this is also a complex prescreen).

The Recruiting Service Liaison Office must, in turn, submit the DD Form 2807-2 and any required medical documentation to the MEPS prior to the submission deadline; for example, if the MEPS has a deadline of 1300 local time, and the documentation doesn't arrive to the Liaison until 1600, then the submission cannot happen until the next working day.

Based on the USMEPCOM Prescreen Program Standard Operating Procedures¹, the MEPS has a specific amount of time to respond to prescreen requests, but the clock doesn't start until the MEPS receives the documentation from the liaison!

The maximum response time is based on the number of pages submitted, and those time are:

Maximum Number of Business Days to Complete Review of Complex Prescreens.
Number of Pages of Supporting Medical DocumentsMaximum number of days to complete review of prescreens
6-20 3
21-26 4
27-32 5
33-38 6
39-44 7
45-50 8
51-56 9
57-62 10
63-68 11
69-74 12
75-80 13
81-86 14
87-92 15
93-98 16
99-104 17
105-110 18
111-116 19
117-122 20
123-128 21
129-134 22
135-140 23
141-146 24
147-152 25
153-158 26
159-164 27
165-170 28
171-176 29
177 or more 30

If the applicant is not provided permission to process, then more documentation may be required, or the applicant has been disqualified either temporarily or permanently. In all of these cases, the MEPS will provide a detailed response to the branch's liaison office.

If temporarily disqualified, a time-line will normally be provided indicating when the applicant can process. For example, if the medical documentation indicated a medication was prescribed that requires a 3 month waiting period after last usage and the prescreen was submitted two months after last usage, then the temporary disqualification would be for that remaining month.

If permanently disqualified based solely on the prescreening, then the service liaison can request that the service medical waiver authority give permission to process so a waiver can be considered. A branch of service is under no obligation to pursue a medical waiver. If the branch of service refuses to pursue further processing, the applicant can try another branch of service, or the applicant can start working toward another path in life that doesn't include joining the military.

Medical Review of Authoritative Data (MROAD)

Medical Review of Authoritative Data (MROAD), which ran from December 1, 2021 to February 8, 2022, has been terminated, and will be replaced with MHS GENESIS.

MROAD pulled all applicant's prescription drug history using either the Joint Longitudinal Viewer (JLV) or the Prescription Medication Reporting System (PMRS) before going to MEPS. The JLV system will pull the records for military dependents and prior service members. The PMRS will pull the data for all other civilian applicants.

Written by:
Date Page Published: October 19, 2015.
Date Page Modified: March 10, 2022.

¹ USMEPCOM J-7 Medical Plans & Policy Medical Prescreen Program Standard Operating Procedures, version 20180521, effective June 1, 2018.

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