Military Enlistment Bonuses
When the United States military is experiencing challenges in filling the number of billets required to ensure end-strength requirements are met, one tool at their disposal is the option of offering an enlistment bonus. The bonus may be specific to fill critical needs like the Navy's Nuclear Power Program, or unspecific which could allow everyone who meets the established minimum requirements in order for the branch of service to meet immediate shipping requirements.
Navy's Recent Enlistment Bonuses
Note: Fiscal years run from October 1st until September 30th.
Fiscal Year 2025
- March 23th FY-2025
- March 4th FY-2025
- February 16th FY-2025
- January 27th FY-2025
- January 23rd FY-2025
- January 6th FY-2025
- December 1st FY-2025
- November 10th FY-2025
Fiscal Year 2024
- September 8th FY-2024
- July 21st FY-2024
- May 29th FY-2024 (Amended on June 10, 2024)
- May 1st FY-2024
- April FY-2024
- December FY-2024
Fiscal Year 2023
Fiscal Year 2022
- September FY-2022
- August FY-2022
- June FY-2022
- May FY-2022
- April FY-2022
- March-2 FY-2022
- March FY-2022
- February-2 FY-2022
- February FY-2022
- January-2 FY-2022
- January FY-2022
- December FY-2022
- November FY-2022
If you are seeking older enlistment bonus information, feel free to contact me.
Enlistment Bonus History
Signed into law on September 28, 1971 by President Richard Nixon, the law which laid the original ground-work for the move from the days of a military draft to an All-Volunteer Force. The law, Public Law 92-129, "[An Act] To amend the Military Selective Service Act of 1967; to increase military pay; to authorize military active duty strengths for fiscal year 1972; and for other purposes." added the following section to United States Code Title 37:
"SEC. 203. (a) Chapter 5 of title 37, United States Code, is amended by adding after section 308 a new section as follows:
- ยง308a. Special pay: enlistment bonus
- "(a) Notwithstanding section 514(a) of title 10 or any other provision of law, a person who enlists in any combat element of an armed force for a period of at least three years, or who extends his initial period of active duty in a combat element of an armed force to a total of at least three years, may, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, be paid a bonus in an amount prescribed by the Secretary, but not more than $3,000. The bonus may be paid in a lump sum or in equal periodic installments, as determined by the Secretary.
- (b) Under regulations approved by the Secretary of Defense, a person who voluntarily, or because of his misconduct does not complete the term of enlistment for which a bonus was paid to him under this section shall refund that percentage of the bonus that the unexpired part of his enlistment is of the total enlistment period for which the bonus was paid.
- (c) No bonus shall be paid under this section with respect to any enlistment or extension of an initial period of active duty in the armed forces made after June 30, 1973.
Page written and maintained by NCCM Thomas Goering, USN (Retired).