Navy Accommodation of Religious Practices
Per BUPERSINST 1730.11A, "Religious liberty is more than freedom to worship. It includes the freedom to integrate one's religion into every aspect of one's life. When policies policies or procedures of the Navy conflict with a Sailor's religious practices, the Navy works to support the Sailor's religious practices to the broadest extent possible within the bounds of military readiness, unit cohesion, good order, discipline, health and safety."
The process for gaining support for a religious accommodation at the time of commissioning or enlistment into the U.S. Navy should begin immediately upon your decision to move forward with your quest to serve.
Applicants joining the Navy who do desire a specific accommodation to practice a covenant of their religion (beards, head-coverings, immunizations, etc.), they would need to seek a waiver of the Navy regulation which may restrict the accommodation; the wearing of a beard, for example.
Applicants or Delayed Entry Personnel (DEP) who do not desire to request a religious accommodation may process or access normally with a signed document (NAVPERS 1070/13).
The document each applicant would sign, either requesting a waiver for an accommodation or to decline support for specific religious practice, should contain wording similar to the following:
"I understand that Department of the Navy policy is to accommodate religious practices whenever possible, unless doing so would have an adverse impact on mission accomplishment, including military readiness, unit cohesion, good order, discipline or health and safety.
I Understand accommodation of my religious practices cannot be guaranteed at all times. I understand that determination of military necessity rests entirely with my Navy chain of command, and that I will be expected to comply with the Navy's policy, practice or duty from which I am requesting accommodation unless and until approved by the designated authority."
For many requests, the Chief of Naval Personnel (CNO N1) is the approval authority. Keep in mind, it will take time to receive final adjudication (approval or disapproval); if you are reading this before visiting your local recruiter for the first time, inform your recruiter at the soonest point in processing as possible if you intend to seek support for a specific practice.
Applicants requesting a religious accommodation may not enlist or commission until they receive a final response in writing. No waivers or exceptions to this policy are authorized.
If you have any questions after reading the article, either contact your local recruiter, or you can ask me directly.
Page written and maintained by NCCM Thomas Goering, USN (Retired).