Navy Enlistment Requirements
Applicants wanting to enlist in the United States Navy must meet specific eligibility requirements to be considered qualified. The following information is segmented into the various types of things that are required, and each of those paragraphs have links to the specific pages that may answer your questions. After you have researched, you can feel free to "Contact Me" with any questions you may have. Any communications will be kept private. Your privacy is absolutely paramount.
Note: When filling out your application with your recruiter to join the Navy, all your historical information (residence, education, and employment) must be listed for at least the last seven years; however, contrary to instructions listed in the SF-86, any prior military service, health issues, police involvement (tickets, citations, arrests, etc), drug, alcohol, and financial information must be included since your date of birth. For example, if you are 25 years old, and you received a ticket for jaywalking at 12 years old, the ticket must be listed in your application.
In addition to many of the requirements described below, Prior service veterans, both Navy Veterans and Other Service Veterans, have additional steps for processing.
Navy Enlistment Age, Citizenship, and Education
So, first let's talk about how old you have to be to join the Navy. The days of being 15 years old and lying about your age to get in are long gone. You have to be at least 17 years of age (17 with signed parental consent) and not older than 41 (you MUST ship to boot-camp before your 42th birthday) for service in the active Navy. For the Navy Reserve, non-prior service applicants can be anywhere from 18-41 years of age.
Age waivers for general enlistment are not authorized.
Note: 17 year old applicants may enlist into the Delayed Entry Program but may not ship prior to their 18th birthday, unless their 18th birthday will occur no later than 60 days from date of shipping. All other notes regarding enlistment of 17 year old applicants still apply.
You need to be a United States citizen, permanent resident alien, or U.S. non-citizen national and possess a Social Security Card. You can't join if we can't tax ya! (Detailed citizenship requirements)
Important Documentation Update: Effective May 7, 2025, Future Sailors MUST be in possession of a valid, unexpired REAL ID to ship to boot-camp. Applicants without a REAL ID cannot join on or after May 7, 2025. The Military Entrance Processing Station will require a REAL ID for admittance.
Non-prior service applicants must be a High School Diploma Graduate (DoD Tier I) and be able to achieve a minimum of a 31QT (**see current pilot programs) composite score on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). If you do not have an approved Tier I credential, then a Tier II credential, like the General Education Diploma (GED), may be used, but a minimum ASVAB score of 31QT* is required. Tier II applicants must be advised that the openings available for Tier II credentials are very limited.
UPDATE for Tier III education: Effective, January 22, 2024, recruitment of those with no education credentials, Tier III, are now eligible to join the Navy. The applicants will require a minimum of a 50QT on the ASVAB, completed police record checks (your recruiter will get these), and a completed DD form 370 (your recruiter will also get this filled out) reflecting highest grade completed from the last high school attended). Conduct waivers for Major Misconduct Offenses will not be considered. Tier III Applicants are not eligible for an enlistment bonus.
**Effective December 5, 2022: Navy Recruiting Command implemented a pilot program which allows for a minimum ASVAB score of a 10QT. The number of openings are limited and only available for applicants who have completed a Tier I education and who meet the minimum ASVAB line score for a Navy rating. The pilot program will be available through December 2024 at which time will be evaluated for the potential of the program's extension (the current minimum ASVAB score is now a 21QT; for scores less than 31QT, the Future Sailor must attend Future Sailor Prep Course–Academic (FSPC-A)).
**Effective November 4, 2022: Navy Recruiting Command implemented a pilot program which allows for those with a Tier II education to join the Navy active duty or Reserve component with a minimum score of a 31QT on the ASVAB. This pilot program will run, minimally, through the rest of Fiscal Year 2025.
English doesn't have to be your first language, but you must be proficient in reading, speaking, writing, and understanding English to enlist.
Enlistment Physical
Whether you are enlisting or seeking a commission, you must pass a physical examination. This isn't your everyday physical and it must be completed by a doctor at the Military Entrance Processing Station (good ol' MEPS). You must be within the Navy height and weight standards. The physical not only checks your current status but reviews your past medical history as some ailments can cause long term issues that you may not feel any effects from today. Some disqualifying medical conditions can be waived and some are normally disqualifying altogether.
Enlistment Waivers
You can have no more than one dependent although dependency waivers may be granted if you have more dependents when you can prove that you are a financially responsible human being. If you're single, you must not have physical custody of a dependent if you are processing for enlistment in the active duty Navy.
If you have a tattoo, brand, or other body art, the Navy will use four criteria to determine whether the tattoos, body art, or brands are permitted, and they are the content, location, size, and/or cosmetic. If out of standard, a tattoo waiver may be possible.
You can not be under civil restraint to include, but not limited to, probation or incarceration nor have a pattern of minor convictions or any non-minor misdemeanor or felony convictions; although, Conduct Waivers may be granted depending on number and severity - your personal conduct and accomplishments are just a couple of the factors used to determine your waiver (remember: if you get to the point where a waiver interview will be conducted, be respectful and polite!). Special circumstances for domestic violence charges and convictions.
You can not be a substance abuser to include prescription drugs, alcohol, and/or illegal drugs. The Navy has a zero tolerance when it comes to drug usage, it is a ONE strike and you're OUT.
Religious Accommodation
Applicants seeking accommodation of a religious practice that requires a waiver of Navy policy must submit the request in writing to the recruiting chain of command. The process for gaining support for a religious accommodation at the time of commissioning or enlistment into the U.S. Navy should begin immediately upon your decision to move forward with your quest to serve.
Keep in mind this post is very general and is intended to give you a basic overview of enlistment requirements. Make sure you discuss any and all information with your recruiter and ensure ultimately the information is documented in your enlistment application.
Note: Effective November 4, 2022, the maximum age for enlistment to the Navy active duty and Reserve increased to 41 years of age for non-prior service applicants.
Note: Effective January 19, 2018, the maximum age for enlistment to the active duty Navy increased to 39 years of age for non-prior service applicants.
Note: Effective February 26, 2018, the minimum ASVAB score required for enlistment to the Navy decreased from a 35QT to a 31QT.
If you have any questions after reading the article, either contact your local recruiter, or you can ask me directly.
Page written and maintained by NCCM Thomas Goering, USN (Retired).