Male and Female Items Allowed at Recruit Training
Because storage space is extremely limited at Navy Recruit Training Command (RTC), you should limit the amount of personal effects you bring, and keep luggage to a maximum of one small gym or travel bag.
If you are reporting to RTC during winter months (October through April) wear warm outer clothing - it does get cold near the lake!
RTC will store clothing and items (for the cell phone, read the update below) for recruits while they attend. The only items that will be sent home, thrown away, or donated are what will not fit in the box (or are, of course, unauthorized or illegal).
Here is a list of stuff you can (not required) bring to Navy boot camp:
- One pair of prescription glasses (most recent pair) and reading glasses. You will not be allowed to wear contact lenses during recruit training. If only contact lenses are worn (e.g., a recent pair of glasses is not available), you may wear the contact lenses to RTC and bring a contact lens case with a small bottle of solution for cleaning, disinfecting, and storage. Military glasses will be issued during the first few days of in-processing and contact lens wear will then no longer be permitted.
- Money - recommended, $10 - maximum of $50 (you won't need more than that)
- Light sweater/jacket for winter months - it may be mailed back to your home after arrival at your expense.
- Completed Direct Deposit Sign-Up (Standard Form 1199A).
- Checkbook and ATM card.
- One Pre-paid calling card.
- Jewelry (limited to Wedding Ring, Watch, and Religious Medallion-no larger than 2"x1")
- Retainer with case
- Two pairs of clean socks.
- Males: Two pair clean underwear.
- Females: Six white cotton panties.
- Females: One full cup bra; one sports bra if 40DD or larger.
- Females: Feminine sanitary items.
- Female/one of each: face powder, blush, lipstick, eye shadow and mascara (non-aerosol or glass). Make-up will be authorized for division photographs, family night, and on graduation liberty only.
- One pair of athletic footwear (running shoes) if size 5 or smaller or 17 or larger or greater than EE in width. No high top running shoes.
Note: At a designated time, you will be sent to the dispensary at RTC for medical evaluation. Additional Items to Bring, if Applicable (Documents should already be a part of the paperwork MEPS will send with you to RTC):
- Oral contraceptives (OCPs, sometimes called birth control pills or BCPs) and/or thyroid replacement prescription medications.
- Immunization Record.
- Small address book.
- Passport.
- Credit Cards.
- Family Papers. If you're married, bring copies of your marriage certificate and the birth certificates of all your dependent children. These certificates are necessary to register allotments. You must also bring copies of court decrees pertaining to alimony and child support. Additionally, if either your wife or husband has been previously divorced, a certified copy of divorce documents is required.
- Alien Papers. You must bring a copy of your certificate of entry.
Females - To expedite your medical processing, if you have had a PAP smear/pelvic examination during the six months prior to leaving for RTC bring the test results with you. Additionally, if you're currently using birth control pills, bring copies of exam records (in addition to the pills) specifying type(s) of birth control pills both presently and previously prescribed. You will receive a pregnancy test within three days of arrival at Recruit Training. If the test results are positive, you will be discharged.

Boot-Camp Hair Standards
Females are NO LONGER are required to have their hair cut upon arrival to RTC.
Highlights of the changes and guidelines include:
- - Hairstyles must allow for the proper fit of headgear and not interfere with the proper wear of protective masks or equipment.
- - When in uniform, hair may touch, but not fall below a horizontal line level with the lower edge of the back of the collar. With service dress jumper uniforms, hair may extend a maximum of 1 1/2 inches below the top of the jumper collar.
- - Layered hairstyles are authorized, provided that the layers present a smooth graduated appearance. No portion of the bulk of the hair (except the bun) as measured from the scalp will exceed 2 inches.
- - The bulk of the bun shall not exceed 3 inches from scalp. The diameter of the bun will not exceed 4 inches. Loose ends must be tucked-in and secured. Buns must not protrude through the opening in the back of a ball cap.
- - Angled hairstyles may not exceed 1 1/2 inches difference in length from front to back.
- - All hairstyles must minimize scalp exposure.
- - Two strand braids (a type of twist) are authorized. Braided hairstyles shall be conservative and conform to the grooming standard guidelines.
Male new recruits will have their head shaved to a stubble length upon arrival, and will receive two additional haircuts during training.
Items you should not bring to Boot-Camp
Items that will be stored at RTC (if can fit in the storage box supplied), sent home (at your expense), donated to charity, or otherwise disposed of:
- All alcohol based health and comfort items.
- Civilian Clothing.
- Portable electronics (Cell phones, pagers, PDAs, CD/cassette players, radios, MP3 players, handheld video games).
- Cameras.
- All electronic/electric items.
- Curling irons.
- All books and magazines.
- Cards, dice, or other gambling paraphernalia.
- Large and bulky stationary.
- Large plastic picks, rakes, etc., or any made of metal.
- Anything made of glass, including mirrors.
- Double-edged razor blades.
- Scissors.
- Disposable lighters (the fluid cartridge of a "Zippo" lighter will be confiscated).
- Food items (gum, candy, chips, etc.).
- Cigarettes, vapes, cigars, pipes, tobacco (smoking, chewing, or dipping).
- Disposable Lighters.
- Large deodorants (larger than four ounces).
- Weapons (including brass knuckles, knives, firearms, etc.).
- Illegal substances.
Important Cell Phone Update: According to a story released by U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command on March 29, 2024, after careful review of the data collected during a trial period where Recruits were allowed to gain access and use their cell phones proved the practice to be advantageous for both the Recruits and the Navy. So, effective immediately, Recruits can, during their scheduled calling periods, use their cell phones to call the folks back home. From the article, "Recruits are typically allowed five standard phone calls during their training. These calls will still take place, but now Recruits will utilize their personal devices to contact their family or friends."
This policy update does not affect THU Sailors. They have been and continue to be authorized to have them and use their cell phone. A THU Sailor is one that has graduated boot-camp and are part of a temporary housing unit (THU) they are awaiting clearances before they can go to their rating's A school (that is the most common reason), etc.
Non-prescription drugs/medications will be discarded and/or mailed home. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Phisoderm, Phisohex, and similar products.
- Foot powders.
- Rubbing alcohol.
- Motion sickness medication.
- Commercial sleeping aid.
- Decongestants.
- Acne medication.
- Antihistamines.
- Analgesics.
- Eyewash (with the exception of saline solution for contact lenses).
- Sex-related materials (including diaphragms and condoms).
Receiving mail from home. One of the most cherished times of day during recruit training is mail call. If you know someone in boot-camp, send them short notes of encouragement and/or small photos, but do not send them care packages. Recruits are NOT allowed to receive care packages of any kind. Any food items that are received are immediately discarded -- not allowed to be consumed.
Page written and maintained by NCCM Thomas Goering, USN (Retired).
If you are seeking information about joining the Navy, feel free to contact me.