The Armed Forces Qualification Test (ASVAB, PiCAT, and AFCT)

The Armed Forces Qualification Test is a battery of nine tests. The nine tests, also known as sections, are delivered via one of the three versions of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The three different versions are essentially the same with their main difference being the method of delivery. The versions are, Pending Internet-Delivered Computer Adaptive Test (PiCAT); the Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT), and, of course, the ASVAB.
The results of the ASVAB determine enlistment eligibility for all branches, active duty, guard, and reserve, of the armed forces of the United States (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, and Space Force).
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is the most recognized and administered of the three Armed Forces' tests. The test itself has multiple versions that vary the questions, and can be administered either via a paper or computer-based exam, the Internet Computerized Adaptive Test (iCAT).
The ASVAB is formally administered by a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) test administrator at the MEPS, a Military Entrance Test (MET) site, or during a school test (high school or junior college).
Pending Internet-Delivered Computerized Adaptive Test (PiCAT)
The Pending Internet-Delivered Computerized Adaptive Test (PiCAT) is an un-proctored version of the full ASVAB that currently provides recruiters with the ability to effectively determine if applicants are qualified before sending them to a military entrance processing station or military entrance test site. The PiCAT has the same nine sections as the ASVAB and can be taken from anywhere with a high-speed Internet connection and a desktop computer.
The PiCAT must be one's initial ASVAB and can only be taken once. To verify the PiCAT, the applicant must successfully complete a Verification Test at MEPS within 30 days of PiCAT completion.
The Verification Test is a proctored 25-30 minute general question test that is taken either at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), or a Military Entrance Test (MET) site that offers the Internet Computerized Adaptive Test (iCAT). The Verification Test questions are NOT the same questions experienced on the PiCAT.
Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT)
The Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT) is a paper-based test that is administered to Servicemembers by a test administrator in the command's Educational Services Office, or a local MEPS if preapproved, for those who desire to increase their score in order to reclassify to a different rating/program.
The AFCT is a version of the paper ASVAB, and it is administered in the same manner as the ASVAB's paper-version (unless taken at a MEPS). For the Navy AFCT testing procedures and authorization, see MILPERSMAN 1236-010, "ARMED FORCES CLASSIFICATION TEST (AFCT) ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES FOR NAVY PERSONNEL."
Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) Score
How is the ASVAB qualification test score (QT) calculated? First, it is important to know the AFQT standard (raw) score is ultimately computed using the results of just four of the nine sections of the ASVAB. Those four sections are Word Knowledge (WK), Paragraph Comprehension (PC), Mathematics Knowledge (MK), and Arithmetic Reasoning (AR). Using the formula, 2VE+AR+MK (Verbal (VE) is a result of adding the PC and WK scores), the qualification test (QT) standard score is derived. The resulting standard score is then compared to a chart for the version of the ASVAB taken to produce your true AFQT. The AFQT is used to determine one's general enlistment eligibility.
For the Navy, both active duty and Reserve, the minimum ASVAB score required is a 31QT with a Tier I education credential.
A limited number of those with a minimum of a 21* to 30QT who meet the minimum ASVAB line scores for a Navy rating will be afforded an opportunity to enlist via the Future Sailor Preparatory Course-Academic (see your recruiter for details).
*Effective April 1, 2025: the minimum score allowed for enlistment via Future Sailor Preparatory Course-Academic (FSPC-A) will be a 26QT.
For Tier II education credentialed Non-Prior Service applicants, the minimum ASVAB score required is a 50QT.
Effective November 4, 2022: Navy Recruiting Command implemented a pilot program which allows for those with a Tier II education to join the Navy active duty or Reserve component with a minimum score of a 31QT on the ASVAB. Openings are limited. This pilot program will run through Fiscal Year 2025.
UPDATE for Tier III education: Effective, January 22, 2024, recruitment of those with no education credentials, Tier III, are now eligible to join the Navy. The applicants will require a minimum of a 50QT on the ASVAB, completed police record checks (your recruiter will get these), and a completed DD form 370 (your recruiter will also get this filled out) reflecting highest grade completed from the last high school attended). Conduct waivers for Major Misconduct Offenses will not be considered. Tier III Applicants are not eligible for an enlistment bonus.
For Prior Service Navy applicants, the ASVAB scores obtained from the previous enlistment, regardless of the AFQT score, provided reenlistment in the same Navy job, or an other line score eligible critical rating available, may be used without having to retest.
Other Service Veteran (OSVET) applicant eligibility for the Navy is based on current (less than two years old) AFQT and ASVAB line scores. The required minimum ASVAB score for an OSVET is a 31QT.
AFQT Category | ASVAB Score Range |
CAT-I | 93-99 QT |
CAT-II | 65-92 QT |
CAT-IIIA | 50-64 QT |
CAT-IIIB | 31-49 QT |
CAT-IVA | 21-30 QT |
CAT-IVB | 16-20 QT |
CAT-IVC | 10-15 QT |
CAT-V | 1-9 QT |
Navy Jobs (Rating) ASVAB Line Score Requirements [1]
The Armed Forces Qualification Tests (ASVAB, PiCAT, and AFCT) are made up of nine sections. Each section's score achieved will produce its own line score used when determining eligibility for specific jobs and programs. The ASVAB section topics are:
- General Science (GS)
- Arithmetic Reasoning (AR)
- Word Knowledge (WK)
- Paragraph Comprehension (PC)
- Mathematics Knowledge (MK)
- Electronics Information (EI)
- Auto Shop (AS)
- Mechanical Comprehension (MC)
- Assembling Objects (AO)
Verbal (VE) is not a separate section of the ASVAB. VE is your raw WK+PC scores compared to a table associated with your test version.
The minimum line scores for each rating and program eligibility are determined by the Bureau of Naval Personnel using many factors including the specific "A" school academic drop-out rates.
The line scores defined on this page are for ASVAB tests taken after 2004. The ASVAB was normalized in 2004 based on the results of the Profile of American Youth study conducted in 1997 (PAY97) by the Department of Defense and the Department of Labor.
Navy Rating | ASVAB Score |
Aerial Vehicle Operator Warrant Officer |
See AVO page for testing details. |
Aviation Boatswain Mate ABE, ABF, ABH |
VE+AR+MK+AS≥161 |
VE+MK+GS≥152**-OR-VE+MK+EI≥152** | |
VE+AR+MK+MC≥206-OR-VE+AR+MK+EI≥206-OR-AS+MK+AO≥157 | |
VE+AR+MK+MC≥210-OR-VE+AR+MK+AS≥210 | |
Aircrew Rescue Swimmer (AIRCREW AIRR) | VE+AR+MK+MC≥ 210-OR-VE+AR+MK+AS≥210 |
VE+AR+MK+MC≥220-OR-PC+AR+MK≥166 | |
VE+MK+GS≥162-OR-VE+MK+GS≥165 | |
VE+AR+MK+AS≥202**-OR-VE+AR+MK+MC≥202** | |
Aviation Structural Mechanic AME (Safety Equipment) |
VE+AR+MK+AS≥210-OR-VE+AR+MK+AO≥210 |
VE+AR+MK+AS≥173-OR-MK+AS+AO≥131 | |
Aviation Avionics AT, AE (AV) |
VE+AR+MK+AO≥210**-OR-VE+AR+MK+MC≥210** |
VE+AR+MK+AS≥173-OR-MK+AS+AO≥140** | |
VE+AR≥102 | |
VE+AR+ MK+AS≥163-OR-MK+AS+AO≥126 | |
Builder BU |
AR+MC+AS≥136-OR-VE+AR+MK+AO≥197** |
AR+MK+EI+GS≥201 | |
VE+AR≥76 | |
CS Submarine CSS | AR+MK+ EI+GS≥200-OR-VE+AR+MK+MC≥200 |
AR+MC+AS≥162 | |
VE+MK+GS≥162-AND-DLAB≥110-OR-MK+VE≥126 | |
AR+2MK+GS≥212 OR AR+MK+CT≥159 and CT≥60* | |
AR+MK+EI+GS≥223 OR AR+MK+CT≥162 and CT≥60* | |
AR+MK+EI+VE≥221 | |
MK+PC≥110-OR-AR+MK+PC≥164 | |
AR+2MK+GS≥255ORVE+AR+MK+MC≥235OR CT+MK+VE≥173 and CT≥60* | |
VE+AR+ MK+AS≥193-OR-VE+AR+MK+MC≥193 | |
AR+2MK+GS≥207 | |
VE+AR+MK+MC≥210-OR-AR+MK+EI+GS≥210 | |
Engineman EN |
VE+AR+MK+AS≥188-OR-VE+AR+MK+AO≥193 |
AR+VE≥109 AND MC≥51-OR-GS+MC+EI≥169 | |
Electronics Technician ET (AECF) | AR+MK+EI+GS≥222-OR-AR+2MK+GS≥222 |
ET Submarine ETS |
AR+MK+EI+GS≥218-OR-VE+AR+MK+MC≥218 |
AR+MC+AS≥136** | |
Fire Controlman FC (AECF) | AR+MK+EI+GS≥222-OR-AR+2MK+GS≥222 |
AR+MK+EI+GS≥218-OR-VE+AR+MK+MC≥218 | |
VE+AR+MK+MC≥210-OR-AR+MK+EI+GS≥210 | |
VE+AR+MK+AS≥200-OR-VE+AR+MK+AO≥205 | |
AR+MK+EI+GS≥205-OR-GS+AR+2MK≥205 | |
VE+AR+MK+GS≥208-OR-MK+GS+2VE≥208-OR-AR+PC+MK≥156 | |
Hospital Corpsman DA Dental Assistant |
VE+AR+MK+GS≥209-OR-MK+GS+2VE≥209 |
Hospital Corpsman BHT Behavioral Health Technician |
VE+AR+MK+GS≥208-OR-MK+GS+2VE≥208-OR-AR+PC+MK≥156 |
Hospital Corpsman DH Dental Hygienist (DPEP) |
VE+AR+MK+GS≥208-OR-MK+GS+2VE≥208-OR-AR+PC+MK≥156 |
Hospital Corpsman ATF HM-ATF |
VE+AR+MK+AS≥193-OR-VE+AR+MK+MC≥193 | |
AR+MK+EI+GS≥213-OR-VE+AR+MK+AO=218 | |
AR+VE+MK+GS≥222-OR-VE+MK+GS≥162-OR-CT+MK+VE≥162 and CT≥60* | |
VE+AR+MK+GS≥214**-OR-VE+MK+GS≥156**-OR-CT+MK+VE≥156 and CT≥60* | |
Information Systems Technician IT Submarines |
AR+2MK+GS≥218-OR-AR+MK+EI+GS≥218-OR-CT+MK+VE≥162 and CT≥55** |
Intelligence Specialist IS-ATF |
VE+AR+MK+GS≥215 |
VE+AR≥92 | |
LS Submarine LSS | AR+MK+EI+GS≥200-OR-VE+AR+MK+MC≥200 |
Legalman LN | VE+MK≥105 and VE≥52-OR-VE+AR≥105 and VE≥52 |
AR+VE+MK+MC≥188** | |
VE+AR≥115 and VE≥53-OR-PC+AR≥115 and VE≥53 | |
VE+AR+MK+AS≥180**-OR-VE+AR+MK+AO≥185** | |
MM Submarine MMA/MMS |
VE+AR+MK+EI≥207-OR-AR+GS+MC+EI≥207 |
Mineman MN |
VE+AR+MK+MC≥210-OR-VE+AR+MK+AO≥216 |
AR+MK+MC+VE≥218-OR-VE+AR+MK+AO≥218 | |
Musician MU |
31 AFQT(no line score criteria) |
VE+AR+MK+AS≥205-OR-VE+AR+MK+MC≥205-OR-AS+MK+AO≥148 | |
Navy Counselor |
GS+MK+VE≥156 |
Nuclear Power Program MMN, EMN, ETN | |
Navy Diver ND |
AR+VE≥105 AND MC≥51 OR AR+2MK+GS≥210 AND MC≥51 OR GS+MC+EI≥157 AND AR+MK≥100 |
VE+MK+CS≥148-OR-AR+2MK+GS≥198 | |
VE+MK≥103-OR-VE+MK+CS≥148 | |
AR+MK+AO+VE≥196-OR-MK+VE≥100 | |
VE+MK≥105-OR-VE+MK+CS≥157 | |
VE+AR≥83 | |
Robotics Warfare Specialist RW |
AR+VE≥105 and MC≥51-OR-AR+2MK+GS≥210 and MC≥51 | |
Sonar Technicians, Surface STG (AEF) | AR+MK+EI+GS≥222 |
Sonar Technicians, Surface STG (5YO) |
AR+MK+EI+GS≥223-OR-AR+MK+VE+AO≥228 |
AR+MK+EI+GS≥218-OR-VE+AR+MK+MC≥218 | |
Steelworker SW |
AR+MC+AS≥136** |
VE+AR≥108-AND-MC≥50-AND-AR+MK≥100--OR--VE+MK+MC+CS≥216-AND-AR+MK≥100--OR--GS+MC+EI≥167-AND-AR+MK≥100--OR--VE+AR+MK+AO≥216-AND-AR+MK≥100 | |
AR+MK+EI+GS≥218**-OR-VE+AR+MK+MC≥218** | |
Utilitiesman UT |
AR+MK+EI+GS≥205-OR-AR+AS+MK≥145 |
Yeoman (YN) |
VE+MK≥99-OR-VE+MK+CS≥148 |
YN Submarine (YNS) | AR+MK+EI+GS≥200-OR-VE+AR+MK+MC≥200 |
*Cyber Test requirement is for new accession Sailors entering service in the CTN, CTT, and IT ratings. It is the result of the Cyber Test that determines one's "CT" line score for those ratings. Cyber Test retests for Navy applicants are not allowed.
**ASVAB Lines Scores valid until September 30, 2025.
Standard ASVAB Retest Policy
The retest policy applies to both enlistment and student testing programs without distinction. A mandatory test session in a high school does not waive this policy.
- An ASVAB test within 2 years of any previous ASVAB test is a retest (including a student test) and will be counted toward the retest policy.
- When retested, a complete ASVAB is administered (this includes the ASVAB confirmation test if required).
- If you have taken an initial ASVAB, student or enlistment, you can retest after 1 calendar month has elapsed (e.g., initial test taken on 2 January, first retest was taken on 2 February, applicant is eligible for second retest on 2 March).
- Subsequent retests can be administered after 6 calendar months have elapsed from the last test date (e.g., initial test taken 2 January, retest taken 2 February, second retest taken on 2 March, third retest is authorized 2 September).
Note 1: When you answer at least one ASVAB question you are considered to have tested, retest date would be computed from that date.
Note 3: Effective September 5, 2024, an exception to DoD policy, which prohibited the retesting of the ASVAB while in the delayed entry program, was granted and allowed for a few instances. On, January 27, 2025, Future Sailors in the Delayed Entry Program with an ASVAB score of 21 to 30QT was also granted the same dispensation.
Authorized ASVAB Test Administration
Non-prior service applicants must be at least 17 years of age. If not 17 years of age or older, you cannot test. If tested by mistake before the age of 17, the test will be suspended for the 17 birthday, scanned and added to your record as invalid for enlistment purposes, and your retest eligibility starts from the date of test.
Whenever possible, military personnel (active duty, National Guard, and reserve) will arrange to take the in-service ASVAB from your service’s Test Control Officer at a military installation; however, on a case-by-case basis, Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) commanders may authorize administration of an ASVAB for in-service purposes at their MEPS. You must submit a memorandum from your unit commander requesting the MEPS to administer an ASVAB. The memorandum must include;
- Reason for retest.
- State the member’s personnel records indicate eligibility to take the ASVAB test.
- Include the address to which the results will be sent.
Page written and maintained by NCCM Thomas Goering, USN (Retired).
Page updated on November 14, 2024.