Your privacy is paramount!

I will research an answer for your question(s). Keep in mind, I can only take into account the information you provide. I may have to follow-up with you to have a clear idea for what you seek. I do not have the benefit of the “whole person.”
Comments or questions are welcome. Your privacy is paramount. Feel free to post anonymously (made-up name, but ensure your email address is correct). I WILL NOT share any of your information unless you want me to attempt to further your case! I charge nothing -- this is my hobby after retiring from the Navy as a Career Recruiter!
Email me, NCCM Thomas Goering, USN (Retired), at tokeda.navycs
No matter what, contact your local Navy Recruiter. If necessary, have your documentation sent to MEPS for a definitive review. I am not answering for the Navy!