Howdy, it's me.

First off, thank you for visiting my website. Navy CyberSpace is a hobby for me that dates back to my time stationed at Navy Recruiting Command. My wife calls Navy CyberSpace my "other woman" because of the time I spend working on it. When I started, I knew absolutely nothing about HTML, PHP, or any internet programming whatsoever. Matter of fact, I really knew very little about how the internet worked. I am still very much in the learning stage, so far it seems to be both a "science and art."
I joined the Navy during my senior year of high school, Valentine's Day of 1980 to be exact, and shipped to Recruit Training Command Orlando November 3rd of the same year. I kinda knew what I was getting myself into as I had completed four years of NJROTC at Crystal River High School in sunny Florida and had the privilege of attending mini-boot camp just a year before I was actually getting paid to be there. Boot camp was a blast for me - I remember one person in my company ask me if I was home sick and my reply to him was, "No, I am sick of home!" - one of the first quick and sarcastic responses I was able to generate during my time, there have been countless since... Anyway...
After boot camp and Electronics Technician A and C schools, I was on my way to the USS Forrestal, checked aboard and 8 days later we pulled out for the Med. (Feel free to read about some of my experiences in other posts). After the deployment we arrived back in Mayport only to pack everything up and head to Philly for a two and a half year overhaul, fun fun.
It took just a couple of months of being stationed in Philadelphia to meet my wife; I'll keep this short story short, we met and five weeks later we were married. We have three boys (men now...) - Tommy, Kevin and David. David is pursuing a degree in the culinary arts. Kevin recently finished his time in the Navy as a Nuke on the USS George Washington and graduated with a BS degree in physics and is now working in the private sector as a Cloud Engineer. Tommy completed his six as a Nuke and served aboard the USS Nimitz. Tommy has since graduated from Penn State Law and is now serving as an active duty Naval Officer.
You may have noticed by now that my family has gravitated toward aircraft carriers. It all started with my father who served aboard the USS Enterprise - he made a couple of deployments on her, most notibally as part of Nuclear Task Force One's (USS Enterprise, USS Long Beach and USS Bainbridge) Around the World Cruise, steaming 31,000 miles in sixty-five Days during Operation Sea Orbit back in 1964.
During my 26+ years in the Navy, I have served as a shipboard communications technician, satellite ground terminal tech Leading Petty Officer (LPO). My experience in Navy recruiting includes time as a Recruiter, Recruiter-in-Charge (LPO), Zone Supervisor (DLCPO), Regional Trainer, Chief Recruiter (NRD Alb, NRD Phx, and NRD NE), Career Recruiting Force Program Manager (CNRC), and as the Region West CR/CMC.
I retired in December 2006 as a Navy Counselor Master Chief and proud member of the CPO Mess. If you have any questions about joining the Navy or suggestions about this web site, feel free to contact me.
Now? In retirement from the Navy, living back in Florida, I am extending my hobby and spending as much time with my wife as she will tolerate.
A note to everyone: The advice and prognostications I deliver via email or Facebook messenger are based on my experiences, and only take into account the information you provide. I do not have the benefit of the "whole person." So, please see a Recruiter, no matter what, and have your documentation sent to MEPS for a definitive review. I am not answering for the Navy! The content of this site is an interpretation based on my experience of the current instructions, policies and regulations of entities within the Department of Defense.
Over the years, Navy Cyberspace has been used as a reference in many publications including Stars and Stripes (news), Wired (humor), Christian Science Monitor (reference), Huffington Post (reference), Fox Business (reference), CNN (reference), MSN (reference), and a couple Department of Defense articles (reference), just to name a few.
Follow Me!
Twitter: @NavyCS Facebook: Tom Goering
If you are seeking information about joining the Navy, feel free to contact me.